Andrea Valleri: Teorema, Samos

2 - 14 August 2023
In the context of the investigation and rediscovery of the past, the artist succeeds, through the use of Pop language, in expressing the anxieties and contradictions of post-modern man.

The Archaeological Museum in Pithagorio, Samos, Greece, hosts an exhibition by artist Andrea Valleri entitled Teorema. The focus of the exhibition is the sculptures and paintings of the artist, Venetian by origin and Greek 'by adoption'.

Through the works presented in this exhibition, Andrea Valleri offers us another way of expressing and discovering classical art, which still exists in contemporary experience and is rooted in our existence. The artist's perspective highlights the universal value of ancient Greek culture, as antiquity is seen as a dynamic in continuous evolution. The exhibition offers an overview of Valleri's artistic production that, through the evocative and symbolic power of the ancient myths and scenarios of the classical world, carries out a continuous search for dialogue between ancient and contemporary art.
