There are magical places. That connect you deeply with the absolute because of the spectacle that, through them, nature offers. That reconcile you with history because of the countless great lives that have passed through them. Ravello is one of these. I. M.

The Ravello retrospective is divided into two moments. The first, coinciding with the month of April, sees the square of the Oscar Niemeyer Auditorium but also Piazza Duomo and the gardens of Villa Rufolo populated with the monumental creatures, the sculptor's so-called "modern idols insulted by time."

In front of the Duomo there is, for example, the very recognizable "Corazza" of 1980, at Villa Rufolo the "Polvere d'Oriente" (1990), the "Centauro" (1994), the "Porta Italica" (1997) and "White Benares," the huge marble face made (and "scarred") ten years ago. As many as five works, made in the first ten years of the new millennium, instead find their home at the entrance of the auditorium designed by Brazilian archistar Niemeyer: the famous "Bocca di Eros", "Gambe Alate", the "Torso Alato Screpolato" the "Torso di Ikaro" and the "Osiride Addormentato".

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