Es c/o Riccardo Contini: Land of Livity, Salzburg
Like a tree, to aspire to the sky you must have roots firmly planted in the ground.
Enzo Braschi
ES’s Arrow originates from a dream, transforming into jewelry that twirls between time and matter, creating an ongoing dialogue with the elements of creation. The aim is to stimulate the instinctive voice of nature in the soul, thus giving life to moments of rare beauty where Nature tangibly interacts with the surfaces that welcome its work.
The title of the exhibition, “Land of Livity,” combines the native matrix so-called “Red Road,” the ideal path the American Indian must follow to be reconnected with the Great Mystery, with the similar pivotal doctrine of Rastafarian spirituality. This creed believes that the key of existence itself can be found by living a simple life, deeply integrated with nature, meditation, and love.